
Kit’s are fun to use killstreak sets that give players new ways to play and enjoy the game. They provide players with wacky themed abilities that give sudden and permanent advantages with no drawbacks. Killstreaks are tied to the theme of the kit you have chosen and progress is lost when you die. Keep the game repayable, addicting, and most importantly fun!
Place flashbang mines to blind your foes.
0: Receive TWO flashbang mines.
3: Receive ONE extra flashbang mine and increased flash radius.
5: Recieve TWO extra flashbang mines.
7: Recieve ONE extra flashbang mine when you reload.
Speed ahead of everyone with ease.
0: +20% Speed Boost, Receive ONE splash potion of speed, and Receive Swiftneak III leggings.
3: Receive 30 seconds of speed II.
5: Receive 30 seconds of speed II and jump II.
7: Receive speed III when reloading. Your team receives speed II and jump II for 30 seconds.

Weild a lightsaber and become one with the force.
0: Right click to force pull enemies towards you or drag them. Left click to slice enemies or bat paintballs away.
3: Regenerate Force energy faster.
5: Draw Force energy from lightsaber kills.
7: Increase the range of your Force Abilities.
Launch yourself with Hookshots.
0: Receive 2 Hookshots. Aim at any surface and Use item to launch.
3: Receive ONE extra Hookshot and extended grappling range by 5 blocks.
5: Receive ONE extra Hookshot.
7: Your team receives TWO Hookshots and you gain 1 Hookshot on each reload (2 max).
Blast your foes away at close range.
0: Receive a short range shotgun that fires paintballs at high velocity. Use item to fire.
3: Your shotgun cooldown decreases from 12 seconds to 8.
5: Your shotgun spread increases from 30 degrees to 45 degrees.
7: Your shotgun range increases from 10 blocks to 15 blocks.

Throw a vortex bomb that attracts players and paintballs.
0: Receive a vortex bomb.
3: The Vortex Bomb travels at a faster speed.
5: Cooldown reduced to 30(-15) seconds.
7: Pull range increased to 5(+2) blocks.
Reload faster, Dive, and Slide.
0: Reduced reload time from FIVE seconds to THREE.
3: Immediately reload and your reload time is reduced to TWO seconds.
5: Instantly reload until you die.
7: Your team receives instant reloading for THIRTY seconds.
Freeze your foes with Freeze Bombs.
0: Receive TWO freeze bombs.
3: Receive TWO extra freeze bombs.
5: Receive TWO extra freeze bombs.
7: Receive ONE extra freeze bomb when you reload.
Wave your wand to make foes lose control of their movement.
0: Receive a Magic Wand. Use item to fire a spell.
3: Spell cooldown reduced from 25 seconds to 20.
5: Spell effect duration increases from 5 seconds to 7.
7: Players hit by the spell will be blinded.
Bring Extra Protection to the battlefield.
0: Receive a regenerative protective vest that saves your life against 1 paintball.
3: Gain Speed II for 3 seconds upon protective vest destruction.
5: Your protective vests are now rigged with flashbangs that blind enemies within 5 blocks of its wearer.
7: Your protective vests has become strong enough to resist a sniper bullet.
Blast foes from a distance using a high powered sniper rifle.
0: Receive a hit-scan sniper rifle. Crouch to scope in. Use item to fire.
3: Your Sniper Rifle becomes lightweight, making you run faster when holding it.
5: Your Sniper Rifle receives a muzzle suppressor.
7: Your Sniper Rifle's cooldown is reduced from 25 seconds to 15.
Blow your path open with TNT
0: Receive a C4. After using your C4 you receive another C4 FOURTYFIVE seconds later.
3: C4 kills enemies.
5: Your C4 explodes on contact.
7: Have a maximum of 2 C4s
Defy gravity with Gravity Cannons.
0: Receive 2 Gravity Cannons. Aim where you want to be launched and use item to place your Gravity Cannon.
3: Gravity Cannons will launch you further and have a reduced cooldown.
5: Gravity Cannons have 2(+2) uses.
7: All teammates receive one Gravity Cannon that lasts until death.
Reflect paintballs from yourself when reloading.
0: Reload with 30 or less paintballs to activate your Reflection. Fewer paintballs makes reflection last longer.
3: Reflect for 3 seconds when you return a flag.
5: Reflect for 3 seconds when you pick up a flag.
7: Reflect for 3 seconds if you get hit by a paintball.

Infuse paintballs with bouncy properties.
0: All paintballs will ricochet when coming in contact with a surface.
3: Paintballs ricochet 2 times.
5: Bounce speed increases.
7: Paintballs ricochet 3 times.
Scale walls and shoot web bombs.
0: Receive 2 Web Bombs. Crouch near walls to spider climb.
3: Receive ONE extra web bomb.
5: Receive ONE extra web bomb.
7: Your team receives climbing ability for 30 seconds.